Domestic adoption is certainly much less of a roller coaster than the Vietnam adoption was. Which is a good thing, don’t get me wrong. But it is bad for the blog. Not much has been happening. So nothing gets reported here. So here’s just a quickie.
We had a brief scare a couple of weeks ago. Our social worker had previously told us we could go into the waiting parent pool before we took the mandatory adoption class. About 3 weeks later we got an e-mail telling us that she’d changed her mind and wanted us to wait until after the class, which would have set us back another two months. Thankfully Joel was able to convince her that that was not the best decision for us and we can now hop into the pool as soon as our family book is done and take the class in mid-August. But really, this was considerably less stressful than anything we went through with the first round of adoption attempts. And thank goodness for that.
We are still working on the book. Now that I am done with school for the year (yipee!!!!!) I can go to work in earnest and get our “Dear Birthmother” letter written, and Joel and I can settle on which photos will go into the family book. We’re hoping to be finished with the book by the end of the month. It will be so nice to be in the final stages of waiting. We’ve been working for over a year to be waiting. What a strange thing to want!
Thanks for checking in. I’m going to try to post at least once every couple of weeks, more if things start to get exciting 😉
so I finally just sat down and went over your entire blog — much I knew from front-yard visiting but what I hadn’t caught (you’re good at hiding it) is the emotional part of leaving the Vietnam program. My heart’s out to you (but I think you knew that already.)
Is the book done?? And the Dear BirthLady letter? GOOD LUCK! Can’t wait to babysit.
@Melanie: Kate and I loved “BirthLady letter”. We’ve been doing our best Jerry Lewis impersonation around the house shouting “HEY BIRTH-LADY!”