Changing the look

Hi. We’re in the process of changing the site’s design. The old design was nice, but was too narrow for displaying all of the photos we want to display. You may see the site design change a bit in the coming weeks, but I promise we will land on something eventually and stick with it 🙂

Spread the word: Little Bird

The internet is an amazing thing. Completely by accident, I connected with an artist/mother across the Atlantic Ocean who is starting her own business. I happened upon Joanna’s flickr page one day and was immediately drawn to her wonderful artwork. Among other things, her art is reminiscent of images I’ve seen in children’s books of the 50s and 60s. I really liked it, so I bookmarked her.

Flash forward a few weeks Continue reading

I’ve been tagged

Ok, well, up to this point the blog has been strictly about the adoption, but now I’ve been tagged by a friend in the adoption community, Robyn. Thanks Robyn!


1. List 7 random things about yourself that people may not know.
2. Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. it goes…

1. I collect anything shaped like a snail. Anything.

2. I am a Sci-Fi/Fantasy nerd. Doctor Who is a god!

3. I do an amazing impression of an 8th grade boy trying to talk his way out of trouble.

4. I have a not-so-secret crush on Jack White. Hi Jack!

5. I collect perfume bottles.

6. My first concert was Ray Charles and the Rayettes. I was way too young to appreciate it 🙁

7. I am three degrees from Kevin Bacon

All of my adoption buddies have been tagged, and I’ve only got one other blogger friend, so Megan, here ya go!